Countdown to Awards Night!


  • Click the Portal button below to enter.
  • Once in the portal, you will need to create an account and log in (please note your ERF member log-in will not work on the portal).
  • Take the time to go through each category before deciding on which awards to enter this year. 
  • All entries must be entered on the portal before 5pm on Thursday 19th September 2024.
  • We can only accept entries via the portal.
  • NB. The portal will close automatically at 5pm sharp on September 19th. Ensure you submit your entries in plenty of time as we cannot accept any entries once the portal has closed.

Thank you to all our partners and sponsors for 2024, especially our key partners for this event: LinkedIn, Bullhorn and our Media Sponsor, the Irish Independent.


With special thanks to Indeed who sponsor the Drinks Reception on the night.

2024 Judges

A special 'Thank You' to all our esteemed judges who generously volunteer their time each year to adjudicate the Awards. We are immensely grateful for your dedication and expertise, as without your invaluable contributions, an event of this scale simply wouldn't be possible.