We are delighted to announce the Employment & Recruitment Federation Awards 2024 which will be held at the Shelbourne Hotel on Friday 29th November 2024! 

***NB: If you enter for an award, you must have a seat booked to attend the Gala Ball on the 29th November - Please email to book your seats.


The application and entry forms are available now via our new Awards Portal.  A Frequently Asked Questions sheet (FAQ) is also available to download with all the guidelines for the application process. We have 21 categories up for grabs this year. Please note that all entries must be based on the last 12 months.

Applications are €70 per entry.

The Awards Portal will close at 5pm sharp on Thursday 19th September. 

The face-to-face interviews will take place in the latter half of October and we will release details of these closer to the time. 

Dress Code:

Black tie / formal wear.


Tickets for the gala event will be €225+VAT per person. Seats will be allocated on a 'first come, first serve' basis - 

* Only one table per company.

** A table consists of 12 places - if you book less than 12 seats (full table), please note that you may be sharing a table with another company/companies. This is the only way we can accommodate everyone, whilst still adhering to strict H&S protocols as set by the Shelbourne Hotel.. Thank you all in advance for your understanding and cooperation. 

We look forward to receiving your entries!

Geraldine & the ERF Team


Thank you to all our partners and sponsors for 2024, especially our key partners for this event: LinkedIn, Bullhorn and our Media Sponsor, the Irish Independent.


With special thanks to Indeed who sponsor the Drinks Reception on the night.